What Can Be Done With an Old Car


Cars can run well for decades, so an old vehicle isn’t always useless. However, when a car has outlived its usefulness, the owner has numerous options for disposing of an aged vehicle. Some of these options may earn the car owner some money, and others are altruistic or environmentally friendly. Read on to find out how to dispose of an old car smartly.

Sell it

What’s junk for one person may be a great vehicle for another. Plus, some retro vehicles are in high demand and may be worth even more than brand-new models. The cash received for an old vehicle can be used to buy a new one. Professional evaluation helps to determine a fair price of a car. Potential buyers tend to drive a hard bargain for old cars, so knowing the vehicle’s real value and standing one’s ground is important.

Barter it

Some old cars cost so little that selling them doesn’t make much difference. However, they can be bartered for something useful. If you know a friend, neighbor, or relative who’s interested in your car and has something you wish to own, there may be an option to make a deal. Sometimes, old vehicles in good condition, scarce models, can be bartered for new vehicles. That’s possible if the car owner is looking to upgrade (or downgrade?) to a less fancy but more contemporary vehicle from an elegant retro car.

Donate it

If the car’s value is too low to bother and barter is not an option, it can be donated. This is an altruistic move, and you should consider the condition of the vehicle you want to donate. By virtue of age, an older car often requires more maintenance. If a person doesn’t have money to buy a car, they may not have money to repair one constantly.

Dismantle it

If some parts are in good working condition, they can be sold for good money. The used parts market in the US is huge, especially when it comes to popular vehicle models. Logically, the older and rarer a vehicle is, the lower the demand for its parts will be. On the flip side, rare parts cost more. Many car owners have sufficient skill and knowledge to dismantle their vehicles on their own. But those who don’t can take it to a local salvage yard.

Take it to a salvage yard

A salvage yard is the last destination of an old vehicle. But contrary to a common misconception, salvage yards aren’t always filled with junk. Auto enthusiasts can find real treasures here, such as cheap car parts. Furthermore, some salvage yards offer money for old cars, especially if they can be dismantled and the parts sold off. Other vehicles can be recycled, which is a greener option than leaving an old car in the garage for years.

If you are in the Phoenix Metro area and want a no-hassle cash quote for an old, wrecked, unwanted, salvage or burned car, SUV, van or truck, give us a call at I Buy Junk Cars. 480-771-8290.