Top Reasons to Junk a Car


When buying a car, few people imagine simply disposing of it down the road. But as cars get older and life gets in the way, there’s often no other way to save or sell the vehicle. However, junking a car doesn’t have to be a terrible process. This article shares the top nine reasons for doing just that.

Damaged in an accident

In the unfortunate event of an accident, you may have questions after the fact. Does it make sense to fix the car, is it worth it, and who’s going to pay for it? Repairs can often surpass the car’s worth, which may be a good enough reason to junk the car.

Mechanical failure

Rusted frames, engine issues, and other mechanical failures are often good reasons to junk a car. Clear signs include wear and tear, abuse, rust, and lack of maintenance. Again, spending more money on repairing the vehicle than its worth isn’t a good idea.

Car can’t be driven legally

Maybe a car has been sitting in the garage for years because it can’t pass inspection or the driver can’t renew the license plate. These and other governmental regulations play a huge role when deciding to junk a car. Sometimes, it may be better to get rid of the vehicle than make insurance payments or assume the liability of keeping a junk car around.

Expensive repair costs

Older cars usually need more frequent repairs. A single repair is fine, but regular visits to the garage can be too much. Junkyards pay cash for any and all cars, which may just solve the owner’s problem.

Need for cash

People trade junk cars for cash more often than you may think. An urgent situation can pop up, and selling the vehicle may be a valid option for some quick dough. Most junk car dealers work with the car owner to agree on a price.

Having to get rid of the car

Many car owners decide to junk the cars when moving out of their homes. Maybe the car is rusty, the engine is trashed, or getting it towed doesn’t pay off. Purchasing a new vehicle at the new destination may be a better solution, so why not get some cash for the old car?

Car with missing title

Car owners don’t always keep the title of their cars. As a result, these cars may be hard to sell on the market. Junk car buyers don’t care about the paperwork – they take all vehicles regardless of title or registration.

Personal troubles

Maybe you’re going through an emotional state like a divorce or separation, or hospital bills need your immediate attention. If so, junk car buyers can be a source of some extra cash.

Want to junk a car? Call junk buyers

Old, unreliable, or unused cars often get sold privately or to salvage- and junkyards. Sometimes the vehicle can’t be sold to others due to legal issues or the overall condition. Fortunately, junking a car is always an option. If you have a junk car to get rid of, contact a salvage yard or dealer in your area for more information.

If you are in the Phoenix Metro area and want a no-hassle cash quote for an old, wrecked, unwanted, salvage or burned car, SUV, van or truck, give us a call at I Buy Junk Cars. 480-771-8290.