Fall Car Care Tips
As the Phoenix Valley temperatures slowly drop (SO slowly!), it’s time to consider how to prepare your car for the cooler temperatures. Today, we’re going to look at some things you may want to consider putting on your chore list beyond filling the gas tank.
Your Tires
Test tire pressure when tires are cold. If you’ve neglected your tire pressure this month, now is time to do it. Outdoor temperatures affect tire pressure, as well, so be diligent about those tire pressure checks as the weather cools.
Check the tire tread, as well, since October is the best time all year to buy tires. Look for uneven wear, Might want to save a little money this month so when they go on sale, you’ll be ready to buy what you need. If you need a rotation, wheel balance, and alignment, schedule that, as well. Best days to have them done: Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
If the washer fluid needs topping off, fill it up and check the other fluid levels, including power steering fluid, brake, and transmission fluid levels. Instead of having an old change every 4000 miles, check your owner’s manual and follow the guidelines suggested by the car manufacturer. Not only will you save some money, but you’ll be doing the environment a favor, too. Don’t forget the filter.
Of course, if you turn your heater on in the middle of the day, hot Phoenix auto air is going to blast out, but d test it sometime, maybe when you park in the garage. If it isn’t working, get it fixed, since it does get cold here. Even if you don't freeze to death without it, you can get pretty uncomfortable.
If you haven’t had your brake pads looked at lately, you might want to check them. Look through your tire spokes, and you should see your brake pad compressed against your brake rotor. If the pad is less than ¼ inch thick(about 3 millimeters), you should consider having your brakes inspected, especially if it’s been a long time since your last inspection.
Summer heat is tough on batteries. Some places will check your battery when they change your oil. Or, you can go to an auto parts store, where they’ll check it for free, While you’re checking your car battery, check your lights, as well, to make sure they’re ready for the coming shorter days.
Wiper blades
Wiper blades rot in the Phoenix sun. Even if you haven’t used the wiper blades, the could still be ruined. So, check them and change them.
Wash and wax
Since monsoon season is officially over, if you’ve put this one off for a spell, it’s time for a wax job. While it doesn’t have to be done all the time like it used to be, periodic waxing will keep the paint sharp.
If you show a little love to your car, it will keep it on the road longer and be a safer ride.
If you are in the Phoenix Metro area and want a no-hassle cash quote for an old, wrecked, unwanted, salvage or burned car, SUV, van or truck, give us a call at I Buy Junk Cars. 480-771-8290.