An Easy Guide to Junking a Boat
When a boat gets so old and worn down that it isn't worth money anymore, it's referred to as a junk boat.
When a boat gets so old and worn down that it isn't worth money anymore, it's referred to as a junk boat. Buyers, of course, aren't particularly interested in vessels like these, and they're almost impossible to sell. Fixing a junk boat would require more money than it's worth. This leaves the owners with just a few options.
This article explores what to do with a junk boat and how to get rid of it.
Attempting to sell a junk boat
While a junk boat usually has no value, there are rare instances when a buyer might be interested. If you know somebody with a hobby of restoring old boats, regardless of the cost, they could be a potential new owner.
Owners of junk boats can also turn to any salvagers in the area for a potential sale. Sometimes salvagers will buy a boat cheaply and then sell the parts for reuse.
However, this depends on the specific condition of a junk boat; in many instances, all parts might be unusable. If such is the case, owners may need to give up the idea of making the sale and pay the salvagers to dispose of the boat.
Landfills, salvage yards, and scrap
Owners should dispose of their junk boats safely and legally. Simply driving the boat off and abandoning it somewhere can result in fines and other legal punishments.
Contact a landfill, scrap yard, or boat salvage yard to dispose of your junk boat. The cheapest and best option often depends on the condition and the boat's material.
For example, scrap yards and salvage yards will pay owners for materials they can recycle and potentially resell. These are usually the metal components on old boats. Landfills will require a fee to dispose of them.
There are also certain restrictions concerning materials such as fiberglass, which has to be disposed of in a particular manner. Landfill owners and waste departments are good sources of information for proper disposal.
Consider a donation
Donating a junk boat to a school specializing in restoration is a convenient and free way to get rid of it. This benefits the education program while helping boat owners avoid paying additional fines to dispose of the boat in a landfill. However, it may require transporting the boat to the school if they can't pick it up.
Contacting a vessel turn-in program
Some areas have vessel-turn-in programs that aid in boat disposal. For this method, the boat owner must prove the vessel is registered. They also must sign documentation stating that they're releasing it. This can be a free and easy way of disposing of the boat by simply dropping it off after contacting them. Sometimes, they may even come to your home and pick up the boat.
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